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Alexis Hall

AJH diligently fails to get to grips with yet more social media.

August 2015
reviewed: Last Argument of Kings
As ever with fantasy trilogies, everything I said true of both the first and the second pretty much holds true for this. And ...
Last Argument of Kings - Joe Abercrombie
August 2015
reviewed: You Are the Reason
Read this with a certain Glitterpirate on the rec of a certain Ed.Well, this was basically a jolly nice read. I would even go...
You Are the Reason - Renae Kaye
June 2015
reviewed: Focus on Me
Discussed this with Santino over at the Prism Book Alliance.Tldr: we loved it and talked lots.Here's how we start:AJH: Welcom...
Focus on Me - Megan Erickson
June 2015
reviewed: Glitterland
Yep.Wrote this one too, long time ago now.It was actually the third book I wrote. The first was Prosperity, which was (at the...
Glitterland - Alexis Hall
June 2015
reviewed: Muscling Through
Sort of brought to you by Reading Project 2015.Felt vaguely bad for being tepid on Slam (not that anyone cares, except me) - ...
Muscling Through - J.L. Merrow
June 2015
reviewed: Slam!
I refer you to Kat for this one.There's oodles of charm here (and I'm a huge fan of JL Merrow) but somehow it didn't quite co...
Slam! - J.L. Merrow
June 2015
reviewed: For Real (A Spires Story)
So, um, yes I wrote this.And I'm so excited it's finally out.You can get it from Riptide Publishing and from all the usual th...
For Real (A Spires Story) - Alexis Hall
May 2015
reviewed: Sutphin Boulevard
Disclaimer: I am all up in Santino's face. We co-run a Facebook Group.So I am pretty fucking biased.However, I kind of feel t...
Sutphin Boulevard - Santino Hassell
May 2015
reviewed: Butterball
Oh God. Brought to you painfully by Reading Project 2015.I … I feel bad about what I am about to do. But this book is...Okay....
Butterball - Michelle Robbins
reviewed: Sweet Disorder
This book makes me feel like this:Elisabeth Lane and I discussed it over at the AAR blog fairly recently:AJH: I should probab...
Sweet Disorder - Rose Lerner
May 2015
reviewed: Think Of England
In short: I love this.In long: I wrote about how much I loved it over The Bookpushers for Queer Romance Month.Queer or straig...
Think Of England - K.J. Charles
reviewed: Life After Joe
Another of my favourites, which I also wrote about for Queer Romance Month.Stories matter.It really is that simple.They teach...
Life After Joe - Harper Fox
July 2014
reviewed: Take My Picture
The evens, I cannot.This is a story about two grown men who are – apparently literally – unable to find each other’s cocks.Aa...
Take My Picture - Giselle Ellis
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: Force of Law
Oh the difficult.I read this because two friends were arguing about it.And ... gosh ... my feelings, they are quite mixed.On ...
Force of Law - Jez Morrow
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: The Second Footman...
I haven’t read a book like this for what feels like a very long time – set in Belle Époque France, it reads like the 19th cen...
The Second Footman... - Jasper Barry
finished reading: